"I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde


Tuesday 14 October 2014

I'm Back!...Again

I feel like my relationship with blogging is reflected in the way most people feel about exercise. I know it's good for me and I know that really I've got no excuse not to, so every six months or so I'm like, "WOO, BLOGGING YEAH." Then I delete a load of old stuff, write two posts of whatever I'm currently feeling constitutes a 'theme', forget about it for three months and get all:

But slowly the guilt starts to kick in (not to mention all the applications for writing work that ask me for a link to my blog and I'm sat there thinking, "I HAVE ONE OF THOSE, YES, YES...oh. Balls."), and eventually I go trudging guiltily back to the blog with a sheepish attempt at a new theme / commitment strategy.

Take this post, for instance. I have a million things to do and three hours to do them, but I still had the idea for this blog post, started it (as in, wrote the first sentence) and then spent twenty minutes scouring the internet for a gif showing that bit in He's Just Not That Into You where Jennifer Connelly smashes a mirror, disappears and comes back with a dustpan and brush. And when I couldn't find it, was like,

Much like somebody getting their running gear on again, getting halfway down the street, feeling the beginnings of their first stitch, turning round and going home. 

And yet, here I still am. And once again, here I'm intending to stay. Theme and commitment strategy as yet undecided.

So, I imagine what will follow is a three-day revamp of the blog in which I battle between the self-deprecation of feeling as though everything I have previously written is shite and the self-indulgence of feeling that if I delete everything then it was all for nothing, and then radio silence. I have figured out how to add new pages though so, you know, that's something!

But you never know, I could end up like this:

Dying, but still going. 

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