"I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde


Thursday 30 October 2014


As of this moment in time, I am trying to simultaneously balance:

1. Writing a children's novel.
2. Writing pieces and assessments for my MA.
3. Attending my MA.
4. A café job, working somewhere between one and four days of which most are weekends.
5. A bookshop café job (because that is infinitely more relevant - one day, my hoardes of screaming book fans may need coffee) of at least three days, including weekends.
6. A temporary writing residency at a local centre for children's literature.
7. Some freelancing (to make it sound far more legit than it is) for a reading project run by a local arts centre. 
8. Maintaining old friendships, which have conveniently scattered themselves across the country.
9. Making new friends, so as to not be sad and lonely. 
10. Seeing a boyfriend who works 9-5 weekdays. 
11. Sleeping.
12. Reading, so as to become a more rounded human being. 
13. General life requirements, such as maintaining personal hygiene. 
14. Pretending that I'm taking this blogging thing seriously. Again.

And currently I am either tragically behind on or entirely ignoring options 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 14.

So yeah. Be right back.

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