"I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde


Saturday 24 January 2015

Please Stop Shouting at Anti-Feminists on the Internet

So first of all, let's cover the basics: claiming to be a feminist will not suddenly force a woman to sever ties with every man she knows, grow armpit hair to her knees and disconnect the oven. It will not force her to work full time, or hire a nanny, or stop making sandwiches. It will not stop her from wearing make-up, or doing the dishes, or wanting to have children. Basically what I'm saying is there no reason to see the word 'feminist' and react like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Because calling yourself a feminist just means that you believe women should have the CHOICE to do any of those things. Really, that's all.

But I hate the effect the word 'feminism' has on people. Whether it's an eye-roll, a gentle recoil, pointed posturing or a loud, twattish guffaw, it's almost never what I think it should be: a slightly baffled expression, possibly coupled with a shrug. When somebody brings up feminism, I wish everybody would just go, 'Yes, and what of it?'

But I think people react that way because those who don't want to call themselves feminists fall into two categories:
1. 'Pathetic, prehistoric, rage-fuelled assclowns' who seriously believe men to be superior to women. I don't think they're worth addressing (or existing).
2. People who want women to have all the rights and choices men have, but who don't want to call themselves feminists because they don't understand how harmless the word in itself is, and/or because they have at some point had some bozo on the internet call them an embarrassment to women everywhere because they changed their surname when they got married. Or something.

And here (finally...) is my point: please stop yelling at each other on the internet.

You know who you are. You people who tell women off for having boyfriends, or enjoying cooking, or wanting children, all in the name of FEMINISM. And I'm asking you: please, please stop it. When has anybody ever changed your mind by shouting at, insulting or patronising you?

Fair enough the Category 1 people probably need some pretty bloody firm words, but the majority of people, in my experience, who shy away from describing themselves as a 'feminist' are just confused. They don't understand that it's not supposed to be an angry word because maybe at some point, some blogger with FEMINIST tattooed on their forehead called them a 'bit of a prat', or a 'bellend', or a 'daft arse' (presumably because they said that feminism isn't really something they think about, and they like cooking).

So please don't shout at these people who don't understand. Try explaining to them simply and gently that feminism and equality are the SAME THING. Seriously, that is it.

Hopefully, if we all get on board with this, whenever a female celebrity is inevitably asked whether or not they are a feminist (because, you know, there's no way people who interview celebrities ever ask redundant questions to try and shoehorn out a controversial answer), and basically says 'no', we all react a bit differently. Instead of writing patronising and offensive open letters to call attention to your own blog, or launching some sort of internet lynch mob, we can all just give them a gentle shake of the head, point them in the direction of the various excellent people who espouse feminism with politeness and style, and help them Get It. That's all it is. They just don't Get It yet.

Eventually, one day, I'm really hoping that every time some provocative tit of an interviewer asks a celebrity 'Are you a feminist?', said celebrity will pull this face:
(Hopefully with this haircut, too.)

After all, people don't go around asking 'Are you a racist?' at random, because there is only one acceptable answer. And there is only one answer to 'are you a feminist?'

But we're not going to convince anybody of that by yelling at them.

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