"I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde


Thursday 18 April 2013


I have a really good excuse as to why this is my first blog post in a very long time.

Okay, it's not really good, but it isn't bad. December was, as always, just insanely busy, and then on January 3rd I moved to Canada. I took my home university up on the offer of a semester abroad, and ended up in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada for 4 1/2 months. Well, 3 1/2 really - from next Tuesday, myself and a friend are travelling round south-east Canada and north-west USA for a month or so. I'm going to try and update this blog regularly, but I can't bring a laptop, so will only have internet access via my iPod touch, and typing anything longer than a sentence on that thing fills me with so much rage, it might not make it back to England.

But what? I hear you say, I thought this was a review blog? Well yeah, it was, but you'll notice I gave the blog a pretty non-specific name, as I was aware of my own apparent inability to stick to the topic when it comes to blogs. I always come back to blogging, but it's not unusual for me to take a six month (nine month, one year, two year) break and then return with a new name / subject / theme / general philosophy on life Though still, in all likelihood, without working gifs.

When I started this blog, I thought about making it a writing blog, then realised nobody would care ('Got up late. Wrote a page or so. Had lunch, read it back, decided it was shit, deleted it. Had a nap...' see?), settled on a film/book review blog with some poncey writerly reasoning, but it basically turned out that the number of films I watch is wildly disproportionate to the level of laziness I attribute to blog posts. Then when I started my semester abroad, I thought about keeping a blog about that, but same problem - 'Got up, went to class. It was okay. Came home, read some course books. Thought about writing an assignment. Went out with some people you've never met and thus don't care about...' So this is now, officially, going to be a Fad Blog. That is, I will write on it when I feel the urge, about whatever's relevant to my life right now - travelling, film-watching (I have this 1000 Films To See Before You Die list on my computer...that might make an appearance), book-reading, life experience gaining, panicking about the future, ranting, writing...you get the point.

(Aimless blog posts like this always get away from me...I had this whole funny bit about summer weather and Aerosmith in my head, but I've talked myself away from it...)

So yeah, expect randomness, little and rarely, and this will go just swimmingly.

Compulsory gif testing: (WIN)
This represents how I'm sure you feel about my return.

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