"I love talking about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde


Friday 29 June 2012

The Plan

"In the beginning The Blog was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - only slightly modified Douglas Adams

I'm an aspiring writer. Sorry.

I know that the blogs of aspiring writers are ten a penny on this lovely thing we call the internet, because we're all trying to build a platform and hone our skills and blah di blah. That's kind of what this is, except I have a slightly more specific purpose in mind. (Cough. Sort of.)

All authors, agents, publishers and literary people in general seem to start their neverending streams of advice with one word: read. If you want to be a writer; read. Read good books, read bad books, read cheesy books, read weepy books, read difficult books, read boring books, read anything and everything you can get your hands on, so that you can refine what - to your mind - makes The Perfect Book. Personally, I've expanded this advice to include films too, as screen-writing is another thing I've filed under 'Things That Would Make Really Nice Careers But Will Probably Never Happen' - due to my film geekery.

So. My plan for The Blog is to keep a record of  the books I read and the films I watch, and make a note of what I think works, and what doesn't work. You can expect a lot of Random Capitalisation, more than a few angry rants, the occasional made up word and probably embarrassingly few book-posts compared to film-posts.

Right. Well. I think that's everything.

Let's do this, shall we?

(Update 2014: Yeah...this did not work. See http://theonlythingiknowanythingabout.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/oh-my-god-blog-post-what.html for the New Plan.)

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